Media Fulfillment.

More Digitalisation.

From small-solution e-shop to 360° campaign management.

The first Scholz e-shop went live before the turn of the millennium already. In the following two decades, we have permanently developed the topic of e-commerce. Benefit from our unique e-shop expertise today and realise the customised solution for your needs with us. Our spectrum ranges from "S" to "XXL", from "Basic" to "Big Business". However, an e-shop is only the beginning of our media fulfilment. In addition, we take care of your complete campaign management. Including Web2Print and Print on Demand services, reporting, Click & Collect as well as picking and logistics of the ordered items.

Limitless customization. Using Web2Print and Print on Demand.

Customizing of products, print media, POS material and packaging on demand? Individualisation options for your branches, consumers, individual teams, employees or partners? Experience the range. Digital and work flow-based.

E-Shop-Solutions From “S” to “XXL”. Customised to meet your needs.

Flexible e-shop solutions reduce the risk of large inventories: Many individually selectable function modules, CI-compliant appearance, needs-based or theme-based offers and orders even for small quantities of items, cross-platform connection to your company's own IT systems, SSL encryption, regular checks for data protection and legal compliance, voucher code processing, needs-based control of individual production orders and much more.

Lagerhüter vermeiden. Mit Kampagnen-Management.

Dank Bedarfsabfragen beschaffen wir nur die tatsächlich benötigte Artikelanzahl. Bedarfsmeldung und Abwicklung erfolgen komplett online, auf Wunsch inklusive finaler Preisermittlung.

Kosten sparen und Umwelt schonen. Mit Click & Collect.

Ihre Bestellberechtigten wählen, an welchem Ort sie die Ware abholen möchten. Das spart Lieferkosten, Transportwege und reduziert die CO2-Belastungen durch den Lieferverkehr.

Volle Erfolgskontrolle. Mit Reporting.

Wie lange verweilen Ihre Besucher auf welcher Seite und wie hoch ist die Absprungrate? Wie hoch sind die durchschnittlichen Bestellmengen pro Artikel? Wir ermitteln für Sie als E-Shop-Betreiber alle Antworten auf  die wichtigsten Fragen.

Sichere Funktionalität. Mit Anbindung an Ihr Kundensystem.

Unsere E-Shop-Lösungen können an firmeneigene IT-Systeme angebunden werden. Ob über eine OCI-Anbindung an SAP oder als integraler Bestandteil einer digitalen B2B Beschaffungsplattform.

Any Questions? Any wishes? Contact us!

You are interested in promotional media production or in a product development? You are looking for an expert for the processing of a complex service?
You are planning the cooperation with a Full-Service Provider and would like to invite us to a pitch or you are simply curious to know who we are and how we work?

Here is where you can easily get in touch with us and transfer your briefing and further documents.

